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Successful R&D and production of 1A1 with a diameter of 400mm

  The diamond wheel with a diameter of 400mm1A1 metal ceramic binder and cubic boron nitride wheel have been successfully developed,mass produced and put on the market.

  In response to the needs of the market and manufacturers,Sapp's R&D team successfully developed vertical shaft grinding and surface grinding wheels(300mm in diameter and 20mm in thickness)for metal ceramic grinding in July 2013,and successfully developed high-speed steel,titanium alloy and high-temperature alloy grinding wheels in October.In November 2013,it successfully developed 400mm1A1 metal ceramic binder diamond grinding wheel and cubic boron nitride grinding wheel.In January 2014,it formed batch production and began to put them on the market.

  Sapp has successively developed a complete set of technologies for the preparation of high-performance metal ceramic binder diamond grinding wheels and cubic boron nitride grinding wheels with independent intellectual property rights,as well as the powerful grooving of high-speed steel rotary bodies,which fully reflects Sapp's strong R&D strength and innovation ability!

  The Sapp people look forward to sincerely join hands with our manufacturing friends to promote the localization of high-end grinding wheels in China,no longer rely on imports,and realize our dream of becoming a manufacturing power!

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