
Machining of super hard material revolving body an

Machining of super hard material revolving body an
Strong grooved grinding wheel

  Through independent research and development,SAPP New Materials overcame the technical problems in the combination of bond and diamond/CBN abrasive grains,and took the lead in developing homogeneous cermet bond in China to replace high-end imported grinding wheels.

  SAP powerful grooved grinding wheel has the advantages of both metal grinding wheel and ceramic grinding wheel,and has the advantages of high self sharpening,high sharpness,high shape retention,easy dressing,etc.It is especially suitable for high efficiency machining of carbide,high-speed steel and cermet rotary tools and inserts.It has the following technical features:

  1.Self consistent hole making on grinding wheel working face.

  2.The working surface of the grinding wheel is higher than the cutting edge.

  3.The working layer of the grinding wheel is self sharpening.

  4.High type retention and easy to repair coupling.

  5.High strength metallurgy combined with full equilibrium diffusion of liquid phase at internal interface.

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